Meet the new mayor of La Cañada Flintridge

The mayor, Luis Partida, has held an online meeting with La Cañada Flintridge’s new governor, Richard Gunter. Council members from each city government participated in it, as well as representatives from sister associations in both cities.

Among the themes discussed in this new online meeting was the follow-up to the Space Academy Project for High School and Undergraduate students, an initiative that has been going on for seven years to promote scientific vocation and entrepreneurial spirit among the youngest students, where the center -the center participates. Villanueva de la Cañada and La Cañada Flintridge educational centers. During the meeting, the Director of the Space Academy, Xavier Zapien, stepped in accompanied by several scientists from JPL (NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory), who next month will be present at the graduation ceremony for IES Las Encinas, Kolbe and SEK-El Castillo students participating in this project.

Asimismo, a photomontage from an exhibition entitled “Miradas” was presented, which was exhibited by local painter Javier Montesol last month in May at La Cañada Flintridge. Precisely, within the framework of the exchange of artists from the two municipalities, an exhibition will be held at the Centro Cultural La Despernada in May, with the motif of the celebration of San Isidro, with works by other artists originating from La Canyon Flintridge.

“We are so proud of the sisterhood we have with La Cañada Flintridge, as well as the incredible shelter we have always provided. Even though the distance that separates us is many kilometers, there are more and more reasons that unite us with these two cities. And this is possible because of the great political will, but also because of the implications and hard work of the hermanamientos associations, institutions, collectives and citizens of both cities”, said the governor, Luis Partida.


La Cañada Flintridge is a city located in the state of California (EEUU) with a population of 22,000. Además del JPL (NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory), stands out for housing the Descanso Gardens (Jardines Descanso), a preserved area with approximately 150 hectares of chaparral, rosewood, Japanese gardens and botanical gardens. This virtual meeting is part of the Brotherhood Agreement signed in 2017.

In addition to La Cañada Flintridge, Villanueva de la Cañada is united with the following municipalities: Metepec (Mexico), Madaba (Jordan), Le Vésinet (France) and Royston (United Kingdom).

Clara Burton

"Geek zombie. Subtly charming social media scholar. Beer enthusiast. Lifelong bacon pioneer."

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