Google search will show results in two or more languages

Google’s search engine will now merge bilingual results in countries where people speak more than one language, and better support for voice search

Dec 21
– 7:16 p.m.

(updated at 7:22 p.m.)

O Google There are two innovations for those who need to search in foreign languages. The first is the presentation of information in two languages ​​in certain countries. The second is improving voice search to understand when the user is mixing words from different languages.

During the testing phase, results will be displayed from the information card (the side panel with a summary of facts about a topic) and from sections such as “Top Stories” in English and Hindi for users in India. This will happen regardless of the language used by the user to answer the survey or his preferences.

This bilingual feature is ideal for the Asian country, which has hundreds of languages ​​and dialects used by the people. Google intends to add the other four spoken languages ​​in the coming months: Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Bengali.

Photo: Canaltech

Search in multiple languages

Google Search already supports entries in multiple languages, but it didn’t show results as diversely. News and People Also Ask areas were reserved for the user’s preferred language, but will also be affected by the change.

Changing the preferred language is quite laborious, as it requires accessing browser settings. Many people just prefer to drop it and use the default language.

The feature is location-based, so it will be applied in places where two or more languages ​​are spoken. It may seem strange, since Brazilians only speak Portuguese, but there are many countries where two or even three different languages ​​are spoken.

Globalization and multilingual content

A classic example is Canada. There are Canadian regions where English predominates, but in some regions, such as Quebec, French is the language most used by the population.

Google hasn’t said where it intends to expand the feature in the future. It is likely that some countries in Africa will also be considered, given the immense variety of tribal dialects. Even the United States can get the call, after all, the southern part of the country is full of Latino immigrants.

Google’s initiative is very reminiscent proposal from the Indian social network Koo🇧🇷 There you can write articles in your native language and get immediate translation into any other supported language. The benefit is to expand the target audience, after all, more people will understand what your content is about.

Optimized voice search

Still on the importance of language, Google’s voice search will be optimized to differentiate when speaking a foreign term. When a Hindi-speaking Indian tries his hand at English, for example, the artificial intelligence will be able to identify and present the correct result, even if the pronunciation is not perfect.

The enhanced cognition model will analyze accents, ambient sounds, sentence context, and even informal speech usage to provide accurate answers. Of course, all this requires a lot of detail, so India will also be the first to be considered, since it is at the top in this mapping.

There is no target release date for Enhanced Voice Search. The feature was announced at the conference Google for Indiawhose objective was precisely to offer better support for languages, bringing together Indians of different social castes – there, generally, the wealthiest people speak English from birth.

At the end of September, the Google introduced multiple search, a revolutionary way to cross-search the Internet. The idea is to mix text with a photo or voice to make it easier to find the desired result.

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